Musings of a Political Nature

Friday, May 19, 2006


This post is completely unrelated to any real political event, but I am going to find a way to swing it.

We're moving both at home and here at the office and I am finding it to be an exercise in futility. I have never moved before so I could not honestly up until this moment that I knew what it was like to pack up every last object in a room and transport it to a new location. Unfortunately for myself, that has become my only hobby of late, as my home and office moves are simulataneous.

At first you pack in an organized fashion putting like objects in boxes that are labeled with their future room's name clearly on the box. But by the end you are throwing things into boxes just to get it done and get out of there.

So I started to wonder what happens when the President moves out. Is he throwing matters of National Security in boxes labeled "Oval Office stuff"? Because I'm wondering what is going to be in the Bush Household's boxes when they finally vacate the nation's capital. Where does he put his special President Bush veto stamp?

Anyway, just thought that since moving rules my life that I would find a way to relate it to the political world.


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