Musings of a Political Nature

Friday, May 05, 2006

Egypt, Terror, and Suicide

Sinai got hit hard this week. The region has almost always been one of unrest, lying between Egypt, Israel, and the Palenstinian zone. It was also one of the major hot spots during WWII. Basically it stands in the middle of a hotbed of Muslim/secular issues.

The short of it is that Sinai got hit with two suicide bombers April 24th. 24 people were killed (mostly Egyptians) and 100 wounded. The victims were almost all tourists at a vacation resort. Its the third time Sinai's beaches have been hit by suicide bombers according to the article in the Economist.

Basically these attacks tend to coincide with Egyptian and non Muslim holidays as well as a released tape from Osama Bin-Laden calling for a jihad against "Zionist Crusaders"; therefore prompting a belief that these are Al-Qaeda related. The article mentions the fact that the bombs were rather crudely made and that it might indicate the terrorists capabilities diminishing.

Allow me a moment of pure cynicism here, OF COURSE their capabilities are dimishing, they are suicide bombers. The ones who are good at making the bombs are dead.

Either way its a disturbing trend in the section of world. Admittedly however there is little comfort to be found in the Middle East at any time, so this isn't much different. But here in the US we don't pay much attention to places other than Iraq and Iran these days, so I find it only fitting to read about countries that are being "punished" for understanding that in order to function as a part of the world, you must actually interact with the world.

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